
Delivery of Artworks prior to the Art Show is likely to be the busiest day for the team organising the Art Show. 

There's a lot going on, so it's best for the Committee and the Artists to be as organised as possible.

This article provides the recommended preparations prior to Artwork Delivery.

Getting Ready

It recommended that the Curators and Committee have the following ready in advance of Delivery Day:

1.  Chase up Artists that have not confirmed their Artworks: 

This is a very important step to reduce the number of changes on Delivery Day. The Artworks must also be confirmed before they will appear in the Online Catalogue. [Refer Article #43000290663].

If Artists have uploaded Artworks but not yet confirmed (listed) the Artwork, Curators do have the ability to confirm them on behalf of the Artist. It's always preferable for the Artists to confirm as they are committing the work at a price, but for a back up plan..[Refer Article #43000513891].

2. If Artists are not able to logon to the Art Show ASAP, the Curators may need to upload the new Artworks or delete Artworks on behalf of the Artist: 

[Refer to Article #43000515675 for instructions on how Curators can Add Artworks on behalf of the Artist ]

[Refer to Article #43000515677 for instructions on how Curators can Remove Artworks on behalf of the Artist ]

3.  Chase up Artist that have not finalised their Submission: 

This is a very important step to ensure you have all the required information to comply with Australian Taxation Office requirements. [Refer Article #43000293278].

4.  Check for Duplicate Catalogue Reference Numbers:  

In certain cases, the catalogue reference may be duplicated. It is important to renumber any duplicate catalogue references prior to Delivery. [Refer Article #43000515672 for instructions on how to edit the Catalogue Reference of an Artwork.

5.  Didactic Cards:  

Cards are prepared in advance for placement adjacent to the Artwork to inform the customer of the work during the Art Show. The didactic provides important information related to the Artwork:

  • Catalogue Reference
  • Artist Name
  • Title
  • List Price

The didactic cards are not placed on the walls until all works are hung.

6.  Temporary Tags:  

Tags are attached to the Artwork via string with the same information contained in the Didactic card. Temporary Tags assist the hanging team when placing the works. When the artwork is hung, the tag can remain visible. The tag ensures the correct placement of Didactic cards.

7.  Artist Folders: Prepare a manilla folder for each Artist labelled on the cover with:

Artist Name - Write along top of folder to allow folders easily sorted alphabetically and Artist name searched . Below the Artist have checkbox below for the following:

□  Supplier Information Complete - Tick if Artist has provided ABN or has completed a Statement by a Supplier Form.

□  Artwork Delivered - Tick when Artist work is delivered and verified to be the same as the enclosed Inventory Form.

□  Artist / Customer Collected - Tick when Customers have collected all Sold Artworks and Artist has collected all Unsold Artworks.

□  Special Notes - Any thing requiring special attention can have a note inserted in the folder.

8.  Artist Folder Content: Insert into each manilla folder the following for each Artist

  • Artist Acceptance of Terms & Conditions - Refer Article #43000515674
  • Inventory Sheet (2 copies)  - Refer Article #43000340114
  • Statement by a Supplier  

If ABN has been provided, a Statement by a Supplier form is not required. Tick Supplier Information Complete. 

If no ABN and Statement by a Supplier provided, print and insert completed form. Tick Supplier Information Complete.

If no ABN and Statement by a Supplier has not provided, print a copy of a blank Statement by a Supplier form. The Artist will be required to complete on Delivery Day.

  • Temporary Tags 
  • Any Special Notes   

9.  Delivery Desk: Set up the Delivery Desk with Artist Folders laid out for easy access. 

Artists delivering Artworks need to be directed to the Delivery Desk, so it is best to set up some clear signage for them to follow.

10.  Logistics Data Entry Desk: Set up the Logistics Data Entry Desk for recording Artworks received.

It is recommended that two people man the desk, 

- One person processing the Express Inbox of Artworks received without changes.

- One person processing the Artworks received with changes to their submission.